Giles Ventless hood with griddle

Giles Ventless hood with griddle

C$8,900 (CAD)

Available quantity:1


Made in the USA

Measurements are approximate

The useable space is approx. 19"

The Giles Ventless Hood with Griddle is a reliable electric cooking equipment designed for efficiency and convenience. This refurbished unit is ideal for kitchens where traditional ventilation options are impossible, providing a clean and safe cooking environment. The equipment is manufactured in the USA, reflecting high standards of craftsmanship and quality. The griddle component ensures even heat distribution, facilitating consistent cooking results across the surface. This unit is a practical solution for establishments seeking to enhance their cooking capabilities while maintaining compliance with indoor air quality standards. Its ventless design helps to reduce installation costs and increase flexibility in placement. Consider this model for a workplace that values efficiency and operational safety.


Stock NumberMP-0125-5500