Stephan 44 VCM mixer

Stephan 44 VCM mixer

C$5,885 (CAD)

Available quantity:1


Heavy-duty commercial dough mixer. Are you opening a bread or pizza shop? This machine will make all of your dough a breeze.

Adjustable timer. simple operation and cleaning. Used for years - still works great and would make a great starter machine for someone unable to invest $25,000+ for a brand-new one. It does come with the stirring blade, which was just removed from the picture so the pictures could show the full capacity of the bowl.

The bowl capacity is 47 quarts with a suggested batch size of 15-50 pounds, but this mixer is capable of producing 4-10 dough batches per hour.


Model44 VCM
Stock NumberFP-0824-CM-VER