2013 Taylor C723 | Soft Serve Machine | 3 Phase, Air Cooled

2013 Taylor C723 | Soft Serve Machine | 3 Phase, Air Cooled

C$13,856 (CAD)

Available quantity:1


Taylor C723 Soft Serve Freezer

Twin Twist


Offer all the popular soft serve variations from low or nonfat

ice creams to custards, yogurt and sorbet. Serve two

separate soft serve flavors, or an equal combination of both

in a twist.

Freezing Cylinder

Two, 2.8 quart (2.7 liter).

Mix Hopper

Two, 14 quart (13.2 liter). Separate hopper refrigeration (SHR) maintains mix

below 41ºF (5ºC) during Auto and Standby modes.

Indicator Lights

Digital readout displays hours since last brush cleaning to assure product

safety. Mix Low light alerts operator to add mix. Audible alarm may be

enabled to sound when mix is low. When the Mix Out light flashes, the unit

shuts down automatically to prevent damage.

Touch Screen Controls

Microprocessor touch controls are embedded in durable tempered glass

panel. Multiple languages are selectable. Viscosity is continually measured

to dispense consistent quality soft serve desserts. Temperatures in the

hoppers or freezing cylinders may be displayed at any point of operation, in

either Fahrenheit or Celsius. Draw counter allows operator to view number of

servings dispensed.


During long no-use periods, the standby feature maintains safe product

temperatures in the mix hopper and freezing cylinder.

Door Interlock System

Protects the operator from injury as the beater will not operate without the

dispensing door in place.

Freezer Door

A specially designed thermo-plastic door allows quick ejection of product

with a simple movement of the draw handle. Self closing draw handles are



Stock NumberPO-421-*1123-72333wcm3