Fluid CHLORINATED-4 4L Low Temp Warewashing Sanitizer – 4 / Case

Fluid CHLORINATED-4 4L Low Temp Warewashing Sanitizer – 4 / Case

C$46.55 (CAD)

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Product Description


Stock NumberRod-lowtempx4
Physical stateLiquid.
Boiling pointDecomposes at 40C.
Liquid density1.089 g/mL.
Freezing point-6C for 5% aq. sol’n.
Ph12.5-13.5 @ 20C.
Solubility in water100%.
Odour & appearanceThe product is a clear, light green to golden yellow liquid. There is a chlorine like odour above the open liquid. The odour is due to the normal, slow but gradual decomposition process. See storage and handling conditions.